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Environmental Engineering:

The purpose is to provide advisory services on issues related to the conservation and improvement of the environment in measures that mitigate and recover the damages caused by activities carried out by the contracting party, measurement and calculation of carbon footprint and water footprint through software and/or or technological tools that make it possible to have a pollutant baseline to design and execute compensatory measures in the medium and long term.


1. CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATION SERVICE, to comply with the service we will use the Software that it considers suitable and reliable with the results obtained, said results will be measured and compared with the baseline provided by the contracting party. The carbon footprint calculated as an environmental awareness strategy and for the purpose of counteracting the increase in global warming that is mainly caused by GHG (greenhouse effect gases) must be presented in non-technical language for a better understanding of the situation and the measures that must be taken voluntarily throughout the production chain, it is also understood that technically the measurement is carried out in CO2 EQUIVALENT MASS but that these terms are not common domain of the people involved, so the measurement language necessarily has to be more public friendly.


2. WATER FOOTPRINT CALCULATION SERVICE, understanding the water footprint as an environmental indicator that defines the total volume of fresh water used to produce the goods and services that we usually consume, in other words that it is a variable that tells us the water that it is difficult for us to manufacture a product, the calculation of said footprint will be made based on the list of materials provided by the contracting party, at least three types of HH will be identified through mathematical and statistical calculations: the blue one that corresponds to the water distributed by pipes and incorporated into the production processes, the green WH, defined as the water from precipitation and that is evaporated directly during the production process, and the gray WH, which refers to the contamination that is generated on water resources through throughout a production process and which is determined as the total volume of water necessary to assimilate the concentration of pollutants discharged into the receiving environment. The results will be given under two approaches:

Under the value approach, it would try to identify the value chain generated in the economy from the economic flows of acquisition of goods and services originating in real estate developments -both directly and indirectly-, estimated using Input type methodologies. -Output, and apply to these economic flows the different ratios of water consumption per unit produced.

In the weight approach, by combining the methodologies of the Evaluation of the Life Cycle of the Products and the Evaluation, an attempt would be made to determine the total volume of water incorporated by the different materials used in the construction process throughout its entire process. productive.


3. PRESENTATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN EXECUTIVE DOCUMENT, will be the document that, in detail, establishes the actions that are required to prevent, mitigate, control, compensate and correct the possible effects or negative environmental impacts caused in the development of the project, the which will be delivered in two languages, Spanish and English, to guarantee the reading of any public inhabiting the house and thereby achieve an adequate implementation of the measures suggested in the plan.

4. SERVICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS, reference is made to the technological instrument to the app that will be designed and modeled from a baseline of environmental contamination throughout the construction process and from which the user may include values of good practices which will show and illustrate the percentage of recovery and/or environmental compensation.

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